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CUDA C/C++ Programming and GPU Architecture: A Closer Look: Blog Posts

Key Points

NVIDIA Nsight Profilers
  • NVIDIA Nsight Systems CLI profiler

  • NVIDIA Nsight Systems GUI profiler

  • NVIDIA Nsight Compute CLI profiler

  • NVIDIA Nsight Compute GUI profiler

CUDA Memory Model: Basics
  • CUDA memory model

  • Memory hierarchy

  • Host-device memory management

Performance Guidelines and Optimization Strategies

Blog Posts

  1. Crovella, B. Using Nsight Compute to Inspect your Kernels (NVIDIA, 2019)

  2. McMillan, S. Transitioning to Nsight Systems from NVIDIA Visual Profiler / nvprof (NVIDIA, 2019)

  3. Wilper, H. Migrating to NVIDIA Nsight Tools from NVVP and Nvprof (NVIDIA, 2019)

  4. Kraus, J. CUDA Pro Tip: Generate Custom Application Profile Timelines with NVTX

Further Readings

  1. Cheng, J.; Grossman, M.; McKercher, T. Professional CUDA C Programming (Wiley, Indianapolis IN, USA, 2014), ISBN: 978-1-118-73932-7

  2. Wilt, N. The CUDA Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to GPU Programming (Addison-Wesley Professional, Crawfordsville IN, USA, 2013), ISBN-13: 978-0321809469

  3. Sanders, J.; Kandrot, E. CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming (Addison-Wesley Professional, Boston MA, USA 2011), ISBN: 9780132180160

  4. Storti, D.; Yurtoglu, M. CUDA for Engineers: An Introduction to High-Performance Parallel Computing (Addison-Wesley Professional, New York NY, USA 2015), ISBN-13: 978-0134177410

  5. Han, J.; Sharma, B. Learn CUDA Programming (Packt Publishing Ltd., Birmingham, UK 2019) ISBN: 9781788996242
