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CUDA Memory Model: Basics


Teaching: 60 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What is CUDA Memory Model?

  • What is the principle of locality and how does it reduce the memory access latency?

  • Why is there a memory hierarchy and how is it defined?

  • Understanding the CUDA Memory Model and its role in CUDA C/C++ programming

  • Learning about memory hierarchy and how to adopt it to write an efficient program

  • Mastering the details of the host-device memory management system

Table of Contents

In MolSSI’s Fundamentals of Heterogeneous Parallel Programming with CUDA C/C++ at the beginner level, we have provided a comprehensive presentation of the CUDA programming, compilation and execution models. These models layout the fundamental aspects of CUDA programming platform and expose various conceptual parallelism abstractions at the logical architectural and application levels.

This lesson extends the scope of NVIDIA’s heterogeneous parallelization platform to CUDA memory model, which exposes a unified hierarchical memory abstraction for both host and device memory systems. Here, we discuss CUDA memory model, one of the most important topics in heterogeneous parallel programming with CUDA C/C++. CUDA exposes various type of programmable device memory types in a hierarchical structure which allows user to leverage additional levels of parallelism, an advantage that is not usually available with non-programmable memory in CPU parallelization. Using multiple examples, we demonstrate how a deeper knowledge of GPU architecture and memory types allows the programmer to design more efficient parallel program using CUDA memory model.

2. CUDA Memory Model

Before getting our hands dirty with the technicalities of coding, let us delve into the important aspects of the of CUDA memory model in some details.

2.1. Principle of Locality

The CUDA memory model is based on the locality principle which reduces the memory access latency through an efficient way of reusing data. There are two types of locality:

Spatial locality assumes that once a memory address is referenced, its neighboring memory locations become more likely to be referenced as well. As example is when the processor attempts to access a contiguous array of data stored on the global memory. Temporal locality assumes that once a memory location is accessed, there is a higher probability for it to be referenced again in a short period of time and lower probabilities at later times.

In Fundamentals of Heterogeneous Parallel Programming with CUDA C/C++, we described the main features of a typical modern GPU architecture which comparing them with those of GPU. There, we explained that one of the most important hardware features of the CPU is its relatively large cache memory size which allows it to improve the application optimization process by benefiting from temporal and spatial locality.

Allows users to fully take control of the data flow within programmable memory levels such as registers, shared memory etc. . Here,

2.2. Memory Hierarchy

In order to improve the performance of the memory operations, CUDA memory model adopts the memory hierarchy consisting of various memory levels with different bandwidths, latencies, and capacities. Within this hierarchy, as the capacity of the memory type increases, the latency also increases.

As we discussed in Fundamentals of Heterogeneous Parallel Programming with CUDA C/C++, both CPU and GPU main memory spaces are constructed by dynamic random access memory (DRAM). The lower-latency memory units such as cache, however, are built using static random access memory (SRAM). As such, based on the memory hierarchy, it would be logical to keep the data that are actively used by the processor in the low-latency and low-capacity memory spaces and store the less frequently used ones in high-latency high-capacity memory spaces for possible future usage.

Although both CPU and GPU adopt similar hierarchical memory design models, CUDA programming model exposes much more control over and access to memory levels in the hierarchy than what is possible with CPUs. There are two main memory categories:

The CPU L1 and L2 cache are examples of non-programmable memories. Nevertheless, CUDA memory model exposes several types of programmable memory spaces on the device, each with its own lifetime, scope and caching rules:

The following figure provides a simplified representation of the memory hierarchy.

Figure 1

As the figure illustrates, each thread within a kernel has its own private local memory.
Shared memory belongs to all threads in a block. The contents in the shared memory are accessible to all threads within a block and have the same lifetime as that of the thread block. The contents of constant, texture and global memories have the same lifetime as that of the application and are accessible to all threads on the device; however, their applications are quite different, which we will explain, shortly.

2.2.1. Registers

Registers are precious resources partitioned among active warps on the GPU with the lowest capacity and highest data transfer speed. Variables stored on registers such as automatic kernel variables declared without qualifiers or arrays declared in kernels with constant referencing indices determined at the compilation time, are private to each thread. According to the principle of locality, the data being held in registers are often frequently accessed by kernels while their lifetime ends with the completion of kernel execution.

Using fewer registers within kernels can lead to higher performance resulting from the increased occupancy of the thread locks per streaming multiprocessor (SM).


Occupancy is a helpful performance metric which is based on the ideal intention of keeping as many device cores occupied as possible. Occupancy is defined as the ration of active warps to the maximum number of warps per SM. Although it is a useful metric for analysis and description of the observed benchmark profiling logs, it should not be a hard and only reference for code optimization. There can be many cases that increased occupancy does not always mean improved performance. We will discuss profiling performance metrics in here.

On the other hand, if a kernel attempts to utilize more registers than the limit imposed by the hardware resources, the excess memory would spill over local memory. The register spill and register pressure should be avoided if possible due to its serious performance consequences. Here, we provide two ways to control the number of registers: 1) -maxrregcount compiler option, and 2) __launch_bounds__() qualifier method. The former approach can be used by simply passing the -maxrregcount=N option to the nvcc compiler where N denotes the maximum number of registers used by all kernels. The latter method uses the __launch_bounds__() qualifier method after the kernel declaration specification qualifier in order to provide the necessary information to the compiler through its arguments, maxThreadsPerBlock and minBlocksPerMultiProcessor as

__global__ void __launch_bounds__(maxThreadsPerBlock, minBlocksPerMultiprocessor)
kernel(...) {
  // kernel body implementation

Here, maxThreadsPerBlock specifies the maximum number of threads per block with which the kernel() is launched. The minBlocksPerMultiprocessor is an optional argument which denotes the desired minimum number of resident thread blocks per SM.

The provided information through __launch_bounds__() method take precedence over that provided by the compiler option -maxrregcount and in cases where both methods are adopted, the latter is ignored.

2.2.2. Local Memory

Kernel variables that cannot fit into registers create a register pressure and spill into local memory. Variables types that are eligible to be stored in local memory are: 1) local arrays with reference indices that cannot be inferred at compilation time, and 2) any variable (such as local arrays or structures) that are too large to fit in register.

Note that those data that are spilled into the local memory reside in the same physical location as global memory. Therefore, significant performance degradation is expected as the data access/transfer will now be subjected to the low bandwidth and high latency limitations of the global memory.


The resident data in local memory are cached in each SM’s L1 and each device’s L2 cache memory spaces for GPUs with compute capability 2.0 and higher.

2.2.3. Shared Memory

Similar to registers, shared memory is a valuable on-chip programmable memory resource with significantly lower latency and higher bandwidth than those of local/global memory. The __shared__ qualifier can be used for explicit shared memory variable declaration. Shared memory can be allocated statically or dynamically and variables can be declared within the global or kernel’s local scope. Let us statically allocate the shared memory for a 2-dimensional array of integers

__shared__ int array[dimX][dimY];

where dimX and dimY are predefined integer variables. If the size of the required shared memory (in this case, dimX * dimY * sizeof(int)) is not known at the compilation time, the memory block for the array of variable size can be allocated dynamically using the extern keyword

extern __shared__ int array[];

The postponed specification of the desired allocated memory size for the array should now be defined at the run-time for each thread as the third argument in the execution configuration (triple angular brackets)

kernel<<< numberOfBlocksInGrid, numberOfThreadsinBlock, dimX * dimY * sizeof(int) >>>(array, ...)

where the desired size should be expressed in bytes, hence the use of sizeof().


Only 1-dimensional arrays can be declared dynamically in shared memory.

Since shared memory is distributed among thread blocks and is key for intra-block/inter-thread cooperation, a naive usage of shared memory can limit the number of active warps and affect the performance. Furthermore, the lifetime and scope of shared memory is limited by those of kernels and when the thread block finishes its execution, the allocated shared memory for that block is released and becomes available to other thread blocks.

In order to create an explicit barrier for synchronization of all threads in the same thread block, CUDA runtime introduces the following functionality

void __syncthreads();

which is especially useful for preventing data race hazards in parallel applications. Data hazards often happen when multiple threads attempt to access a memory address in an arbitrary order where at least one thread performs a store (or write) operation. Care must be taken with the usage of __syncthreads() since it can negatively affect the performance by stalling the SM, frequently.

The on-chip memory space and hardware resources used for both L1 cache and shared memory is statically partitioned by default. However, this configuration can be dynamically modified at using the CUDA runtime function cudaFuncSetCacheConfig()

cudaError_t cudaFuncSetCacheConfig(const void* func, enum cudaFuncCache cacheConfig);

The first argument, func, denotes the device function symbol and cudaFuncCache is an enum type variable that stands for the CUDA cache configurations and can take the following values

Cache Configuration Value Meaning
cudaFuncCachePreferNone 0 No preference (default configuration)
cudaFuncCachePreferShared 1 Prefer larger shared memory and smaller L1 cache
cudaFuncCachePreferL1 2 Prefer larger L1 cache and smaller shared memory
cudaFuncCachePreferEqual 3 Prefer equal size L1 cache and shared memory


The cudaFuncSetCacheConfig() function does nothing on devices with fixed L1 cache and shared memory sizes.

2.2.4. Constant Memory

Variables can be declared in constant memory space through using the __constant__ qualifier. The constant memory variables must be declared in global scope. Furthermore, the amount of constant memory that can be declared is limited: 64 kB for all compute capabilities. Moreover, the constant memory is statically allocated and its content is visible to all threads and kernels in the read-only mode. The best performance from using constant memory is expected when all threads within a warp read from the same memory address: here the contents of the constant memory location is broadcasted to all threads in a warp through a single load operation. For example, a numerical constant can be stored in constant memory and read by threads in warp(s) to scale the components of an array.

The cudaMemcpyToSymbol() function can be used to initialize the constant memory from the host

cudaError_t cudaMemcpyToSymbol(const void* symbol, const void* src, size_t count);

Here, count bytes from the memory address pointed to by the pointer variable src is copied to the memory location pointed to by symbol residing in the constant or global memory space. The cudaMemcpyToSymbol() is synchronous with respect to the host in most cases. Constant memory is cached using a dedicated per-SM constant cache space and is best used in uniform read operations where each thread in a warp accesses the same memory address.

2.2.5. Texture Memory

Similar to the constant memory, the texture memory is also cached per-SM through read-only cache which supports hardware filtering such as performing floating-point interpolation as part of the data load process. Contrary to the constant cache where the accessed data is usually small and read uniformly by the threads in a warp, the read-only cache is more suitable for the scattered data access on larger data sets. The texture memory is designed to benefit for the 2-dimensional spatial locality. Therefore, the best performance can be expected from texture memory when the accessed data is 2-dimensional. Note that depending on the application, the expected performance from texture memory might be lower than that of the global memory.

2.2.6. Global Memory

Global memory is the most commonly used memory type on GPUs which has the highest latency and size capacity. The contents of global memory have global scope and can be accessed by all threads and kernels on the device and their lifetime is the same as that of the running application. Variables in global memory can be declared statically or dynamically. In the Basics of the Device Memory Management in CUDA, we demonstrated how to adopt cudaMalloc(), cudaFree(), cudaMemset() and cudaMemcpy() CUDA runtime APIs to dynamically allocate, deallocate, initialize and copy global memory, respectively. The static declaration of a variable in global memory can be performed using the __device__ qualifier. Note that global memory has the highest latency in data access among all memory types within CUDA memory model’s hierarchy.

It is important to note that since threads’ execution cannot be synchronized between different thread blocks, the possibility of data hazard caused by simultaneous modifications of the same global memory address by multiple threads from different blocks should be avoided.

2.2.7. GPU Cache Space

In addition to the programmable memory spaces within CUDA memory model’s hierarchy, GPU devices are often armed with four types of non-programmable cache memories

On a CPU, both read and write operations can be cached. However, only the load operation can be cached on a GPU device. Each SM has its own L1 cache while there is only one L2 cache memory space shared by all SMs on the device. In addition to L1 and L2 cache memory spaces, constant and texture read-only cache spaces are provided in order to improve specific applications performed on the GPU devices.

2.3. Host-Device Memory Management

Since in heterogeneous parallel programs within CUDA framework, the host (CPU and its memory) and the device (GPU and its memory) domains are distinct, memory management becomes an important task for the programmer. For example, although both host and kernel variables can be defined in the same code file, the host functions or device kernels cannot generally access the variables from the other domain. CUDA runtime API functions are often implemented in a way that they make pre-assumptions about the memory space of the incoming arguments and variables. Therefore, it becomes programmer’s responsibility to pass variables from appropriate memory domains to the runtime API functions or otherwise program ends with a crash or an undefined behavior.

Before getting into the concept of pinned memory and and why they exist, let us focus on a few key concepts pertinent to the computer memory management system that we will be frequently dealing with in our tutorial. The first concept in our list is page fault, exceptions raised by computer hardwares when a running application attempts to access a memory page (i.e., a fixed-length contiguous block of virtual memory) that had not been mapped into the virtual address space (VAS) by the memory management unit (MMU). MMU’s main responsibility is to translate all virtual memory addresses to their physical counterparts. Contrary to what their name might convey, valid page faults are in fact necessary tools for any operating system (OS), armed with virtual memory, in order to make the required page accessible, increase the amount of available memory to each program or terminate it when an illegal memory access occurs.

2.3.1. Pinned Memory

By default, the allocated memory on the host domain is pageable: it is prone to page faults. Since the OS might move the data between different physical memory locations on the host at any moment, the GPU device cannot securely access the memory addresses corresponding to specific data. Therefore, in order to transfer data from a pageable host memory location to a memory address on the device, CUDA driver temporarily allocates page-locked or pinned memory on the host and copies the data to the pinned memory locations. Then, those data can be safely transferred to the device memory destination.

The host pinned memory can be allocated using the CUDA runtime function, cudaMallocHost() as

cudaError_t cudaMallocHost(void** ptr, size_t count);

where count bytes of the host memory, pointed to by ptr, become page-locked and directly accessible to the device. As such, pinned memory that is now accessible to the device benefits from higher bandwidths than pageable memory on the host for load/storage operations.

Page-locked memory can be released via using cudaFreeHost() as

cudaError_t cudaFreeHost(void* ptr);

Higher bandwidths in pinned memory (compared to that of pageable host memory) makes it more suitable for high-throughput large-scale data transfer. However, pinning to much host memory takes away from what is otherwise available to the system for storing data in virtual (host) memory causing significant performance penalties. Furthermore, allocation and deallocation of pinned memory are more expensive operations than those for pageable host memory. Hence, the expected speedups resulting from adopting pinned memory also become dependent upon the compute compatibility of the device being employed as well.

In general, data transfers between host and the device should be minimized in the program. One effective technique to achieve this goal is to hide the data transfer latency by overlapping it with kernel execution through CUDA streams and concurrency. We will discuss this topic in details later in this tutorial.

2.3.2. Zero-copy Memory

Zero-copy memory is a non-pageable (page-locked) memory that is mapped into the device memory address space. Therefore, it breaches the separation of the host and the device memory domains by being accessible both to host and GPU threads. Zero-copy memory can be allocated via cudaHostAlloc() CUDA runtime API

cudaError_t cudaHostAlloc(void** pHost, size_t size, unsigned int flags);

where the third argument, flags, can have the following values

The cudaHostAllocDefault option causes cudaHostAlloc() becomes equivalent to cudaMallocHost(). Adopting cudaHostAllocPortable option dictates all CUDA contexts (not just the allocator) to consider the allocated memory as pinned memory. Using the cudaHostAllocWriteCombined option, the allocated memory becomes of write-combined (WC) type which can be transferred more efficiently across the PCI Express bus on some system configurations. The read operations on WC memory might not be as efficient with most CPUs. Therefore, WC memory becomes a good candidate for buffers written by the CPUs and read by the device via mapped pinned memory or through host-to-device transfers. With cudaHostAllocMapped option, the allocated memory is mapped into the CUDA address space. A device pointer, devPtr, corresponding to the host allocated pinned memory buffer, pointed to by hostPtr, may be obtained through cudaHostGetDevicePointer() CUDA runtime API as

cudaError_t cudaHostGetDevicePointer(void** devPtr, void* hostPtr, unsigned int flags);

where according to the CUDA Toolkit documentation, the flags variable in here will be used in future releases and should be set to zero at the moment. It is important to note that all transactions to the page-locked mapped memory address has to pass through PCI-express bus connection which because of its low bandwidth cau cause significant latency in data transfer involving frequent load/store operations. Therefore, it should be used with caution as in many cases, using global memory might simply provide a better alternative for performance reasons.

The page-locked host memory can be released using cudaFreeHost().


Since the zero-copy memory is shared between the host and the device, access to data on the mapped page-locked memory address should be synchronized across both domains or otherwise, undefined behavior due to data hazard can occur.

2.3.3. Unified Virtual Addressing

Introduced in CUDA 4.0 and supported by devices with compute compatibility 2.0 and later, unified virtual addressing (UVA) provides a Unified Memory address space for both host and device. For systems without UVA support, pointers to host and device memory locations must be explicitly distinguished and specified by the programmer.

Figure 2

On the other hand, UVA unifies memory space addressing making the corresponding host and device pointers identical and accessible to the entire application. It might be instructive to explain in more detail how using UVA might be more convenient than working with pinned memory. For example, with zero-copy memory, one should 1) allocate mapped non-pageable host memory, 2) obtain device pointer to the mapped memory using cudaHostGetDevicePointer() CUDA runtime API, and 3) pass the received pointer in the previous step to the intended kernel. Within UVA framework, the need for creating/managing two separate pointers to host and device memory addresses or getting device pointers through cudaHostGetDevicePointer() CUDA runtime function is lifted. Therefore, the pointers set by cudaHostAlloc() functions can be directly passed to the kernel.

2.3.4. Unified Memory

NVIDIA introduced Unified Memory in CUDA 6.0 as a new feature to improve maintainability and readability in CUDA programs and to simplify memory management in the application. In this framework, memory allocations from Unified Memory pool are automatically managed by the system and become accessible to both host and device via a single memory address pointer. Based on memory access request from the host or the device, the Unified Memory system automatically migrates data in the Unified Memory space. As such, the need for explicit management of the memory allocation and data transfer, as discussed in Basics of the Device Memory Management in CUDA, is lifted.

Managed memory can be allocated statically or dynamically. For static declaration of a memory-managed GPU variable, simply add the qualifier __managed__ to its declaration as follows

__device__ __managed__ double x;

Note that this method should only be used within file- and global scopes. Managed memory can also be dynamically allocated using the CUDA runtime function, `` as

cudaError_t cudaMallocManaged(void** devPtr, size_t size, unsigned int flags = cudaMemAttachGlobal);

where devPtr is the pointer to the allocated device memory, size is the size of the allocated memory bytes and flags specifies the default stream association for the intended managed memory allocation and must be set either to cudaMemAttachGlobal (default) or cudaMemAttachHost. The cudaMemAttachGlobal flag makes the allocated managed memory accessible from any stream or device. On the contrary, the cudaMemAttachHost flag restricts the access to the allocated memory only to those devices that have a non-zero value for the device attribute cudaDevAttrConcurrentManagedAccess. Managed memory should be deallocated using cudaFree() CUDA runtime API.


Since it is not possible to call cudaMallocManaged() in CUDA 6.0, every managed memory must either be dynamically allocated from the host or statically declared within global scope.

We should point out that although Unified Memory requires UVA’s support, they should be distinguished as completely different technological frameworks. UVA offers a Unified Memory address space for every processor installed within the system. However, contrary to the Unified (managed) Memory, UVA does not automatically migrate data from one memory location to another and across host-device domains.

Unified Memory is also similar to the zero-copy memory in as they both provide shared access to data for the host and the device. However, the host-based allocation of the zero-copy memory causes the memory access performance to suffer from having to manually transfer data over PCIe bus with high-latency. Unified memory system, on the other hand, does not suffer from the aforementioned issues as it can automatically migrate data, on demand, between host and device in order to enhance the locality and ultimately, performance.

Key Points

  • CUDA memory model

  • Memory hierarchy

  • Host-device memory management