Efficient implementation of ADC for ionization and electron attachment in molecules

Samragni Banerjee1, Alexander Yu. Sokolov1
1 Department of Chemistry, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
MolSSI Mentor(s): Jessica A. Nash


  • Accurate computations of ionization potential (IP) and electron attachment (EA) are important for predicting properties of molecules and materials, such as redox potentials, band gaps, and photoelectron spectra.
  • Development of reliable and efficient theoretical methods for computing IP and EA of molecules and materials is one of the current challenges in modern quantum chemistry.
  • To address this problem, we developed a new and efficient computer implementation of algebraic diagrammatic construction theory (ADC) for simulating IP/EA of molecules in the open-source quantum chemical software package PySCF.


  • Spectroscopic studies probe a molecular system by subjecting it to an external perturbation such as electromagnetic field and then studying the response of the system to that perturbation.
  • The mathematical function required for computing the response is called a propagator.
  • The IP/EA-ADC approximations are derived from a perturbative expansion of the one-electron propagator, poles and residues of which provide information about ionization and electron-attachment energies and transition intensities.


  • The present ADC implementation in PySCF can be applied to both closed- and open-shell molecules starting with either restricted or unrestricted Hartree-Fock orbitals.
  • The key step of my IP/EA-ADC implementation is a function that defines the form of the \(\boldsymbol{\sigma} = \textbf{MX}\) vector that is the product of the ADC effective Hamiltonian matrix (\(\textbf{M}\)) and a trial vector (\(\textbf{X}\)).
  • Once the \(\boldsymbol{\sigma}\) vector is defined for a particular ADC approximation, conventional iterative diagonalization techniques are used to solve for several lowest IP or EA energies and the intensities of these transitions.


Figure 1: A schematic representation of the IP/EA-ADC implementation in PySCF.

Efficiency improvements to the previous IP/EA-ADC implementation

The pilot implementation of IP/EA-ADC was limited to systems with upto \(\sim\) 300 orbitals. As a part of my project supported by MolSSI, I made several improvements to increase the efficiency of my implementation in PySCF :

  • Development of a spin-restricted ADC (RADC) code for closed-shell molecules

  • An in-core algorithm with optimized memory and CPU efficiency

  • An out-of-core algorithm that reduces the memory requirements by storing two-electron integrals on disk (using \(\textit{ h5py}\) Python module capabilities) and computing them on-the-fly. This is done using a buffering algorithm that computes subsets of the two-electron integrals which fits in the available memory.

  • Use of Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS) operations for expensive tensor contractions, which speeds up the calculations of the matrix-vector products (\(\boldsymbol{\sigma}\) = \(\textbf{MX}\))

  • A modified ADC code interface to allow for a direct calculation of excitation energies and properties

  • A modified preconditioner for Davidson’s iterative algorithm for better convergence of IP/EA energies


  • The several improvements discussed above have led to significant computational savings both with respect to memory usage as well as computational wall times.

  • The new ADC implementation is more efficient than the highly optimized equation-of-motion coupled-cluster singles and doubles (EOM-CCSD) implementation in PySCF and has a similar accuracy.

compare_profiles Figure 2: Comparison of (a) maximum memory usage between the previous and present EA-ADC(3) implementations for H2CO (basis set: aug-cc-pVTZ), (b) computational wall times between the previous and present EA-ADC(3) as well as EA-EOM-CCSD implementations for H2CO (basis set : aug-cc-pVTZ), (c) mean absolute errors (eV) in EA’s for a set of closed-shell atoms and molecules simulated using EA-EOM-CCSD and EA-ADC(3) (basis set : aug-cc-pVQZ)

  • The present ADC implementation allows simulation of larger systems (600 orbitals) compared to the previous implementation which was limited to 300 orbitals.


Figure 3: Preliminary results for vertical electron attachment energy of DNA nucleobase pair of guanine (G) and cytosine (C) computed using ADC(2) (basis set : aug-cc-pVDZ)


  • Implemented ADC as a new module in PySCF for accurate IP/EA simulation of molecules.

  • Made several efficiency modifications leading to significant reduction in memory requirements and computational wall times.

  • All the improvements enabled simulations of large molecules (600 orbitals), which paves the way for materials simulation using ADC in the future.


  1. Schirmer, J. “Beyond the random-phase approximation: A new approximation scheme for the polarization propagator”, Phys. Rev. A,1982, 26, 2395

  2. S. Banerjee, A. Yu. Sokolov. “Third-order algebraic diagrammatic construction theory for electron attachment and ionization energies: Conventional and Green’s function implementation”, J. Chem. Phys., 2019, 151, 224112

  3. Q. Sun, et al. “Recent developments in the PySCF program package”,2020, In Review


Samragni Banerjee was supported by a fellowship from The Molecular Sciences Software Institute under NSF grant OAC-1547580”

