# Observer Design Pattern ````{admonition} Overview :class: overview Questions: - How can an object notify its own state to an open-ended number of objects? Objectives: - Learn the observer design pattern. - See an example of the observer design pattern relavant to the Computational Molecular Sciences domain. ```` ## Definition Define a one-to-many dependency between objects so that when one object changes state, all its dependents are notified and updated automatically. ## Problem Imagine you are creating a classical Monte Carlo library. You might be interested in retrieving information such as Cartesian coordinates snapshots, potential and kinetic energies, pressures, densities and other thermodynamic quantities at any given moment during the simulation. Aditionally, you would like to have a checkpointing mechanism that captures the current states of the simulation in case it crashes. In general, you would like to have many ways of looking at the current state of your system. Your code should make it easy to incorporate new indicators of the state of the system. ## Solution: the observer design pattern The observer design pattern provides a way for your simulation system (the subject) to notify its attached observers about its current state. All observers are notified whenever the subject undergoes a change in state. The subject knows about its observers and provides an interface for attaching and detaching observers. We can create an abstract base clase for defining all subjects as: ````{tab-set-code} ```{code-block} python class Subject: def __init__(self): self._observers = [] def attach(self, observer): if observer not in self._observers: self._observers.append(observer) def detach(self, observer): if observer in self._observers: self._observers.remove(observer) def notify(self): for observer in self._observers: observer.update(self) ``` ```` Now, we need the actual concrete subject that our observers will look at. For our case, it could be our simulation system (i.e. all particles). Thus, we need to define a concrete subject that inherits from our abstract subject class ````{tab-set-code} ```{code-block} python class System(Subject): def __init__(self, mol_number=0): Subject.__init__(self) # Initialize particle positions self._xyz = np.zeros((mol_number, 3)) self.current_step = 0 # Compute initial energy self.compute_energy() @property def xyz(self): return self._xyz @xyz.setter def xyz(self, xyz): self._xyz = xyz self.current_step += 1 self.compute_energy() self.notify() def compute_energy(self): # Ideally we would implement a full energy computation self.energy = np.random.rand() ``` ```` Additionally, we need a base class for all observers. It should require a function that retrieves what the observer knows about the subject. ````{tab-set-code} ```{code-block} python class Observer(ABC): @abstractmethod def update(self, subject): pass ``` ```` And now we can implement two concrete observers: one that retrieves the Cartesian coordinates and another that gets the energy. ````{tab-set-code} ```{code-block} python class XYZ_observer(Observer): def __init__(self, print_freq=1): self.print_freq = print_freq def update(self, subject): if subject.current_step % self.print_freq == 0: print('Printing xyz subject.xyz') class energy_observer(Observer): def __init__(self, print_freq=1): self.print_freq = print_freq def update(self, subject): if subject.current_step % self.print_freq == 0: print('Printing energy', subject.energy) ``` ```` Now, you could use the above classes in your Monte Carlo client code like this ````{tab-set-code} ```{code-block} python # Create the system with a desired number of particles mc_system = System(mol_number=15) xyz_observer = XYZ_observer(print_freq=2) energy_observer = energy_observer() mc_system.attach(xyz_observer) mc_system.attach(energy_observer) total_mcsteps = 5 for this_mcstep in range(total_mcsteps): # Ideally you would perform some MC moves here # that alter the state of the system and # don't violate detailed balance! mc_system.xyz += 0.1 ``` ```` ## Final code The final version of our code is ````{tab-set-code} ```{code-block} python from abc import ABC, abstractmethod import numpy as np class Subject: def __init__(self): self._observers = [] def attach(self, observer): if observer not in self._observers: self._observers.append(observer) def detach(self, observer): if observer in self._observers: self._observers.remove(observer) def notify(self): for observer in self._observers: observer.update(self) class Observer(ABC): @abstractmethod def update(self, subject): pass class System(Subject): def __init__(self, mol_number=0): Subject.__init__(self) self._xyz = np.zeros((mol_number, 3)) self.current_step = 0 self.compute_energy() @property def xyz(self): return self._xyz @xyz.setter def xyz(self, xyz): self._xyz = xyz self.current_step += 1 self.compute_energy() self.notify() def compute_energy(self): # Ideally we would implement a full energy computation self.energy = np.random.rand() class XYZ_observer(Observer): def __init__(self, print_freq=1): self.print_freq = print_freq def update(self, subject): if subject.current_step % self.print_freq == 0: print('Printing xyz subject.xyz') class energy_observer(Observer): def __init__(self, print_freq=1): self.print_freq = print_freq def update(self, subject): if subject.current_step % self.print_freq == 0: print('Printing energy', subject.energy) # Create the system with a desired number of particles mc_system = System(mol_number=15) xyz_observer = XYZ_observer(print_freq=2) energy_observer = energy_observer() mc_system.attach(xyz_observer) mc_system.attach(energy_observer) total_mcsteps = 5 for this_mcstep in range(total_mcsteps): # Ideally you would perform some MC moves here # that alter the state of the system and # don't violate detailed balance! mc_system.xyz += 0.1 ``` ```` ````{admonition} Key Points :class: key - The observer design pattern provides a way for the subject to notify an open-ended number of objects about its own state ````