Running the molecular dynamics simulation!
Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 30 minQuestions
What does the molecular dynamics simulation tell us?
To demonstrate the execution of a molecular dynamics simulation and analysis of basic results.
Finally, let’s simulate the vibrational motion of HF subject to the ab initio forces we computed earlier and compare them to the Harmonic motion; recall we have already obtained spline objects for RHF, MP2, and CCSD forces called RHF_Force, MP2_Force, and CCSD_Force! We will also initialize the simulations using the same values as we did with the Harmonic case to aid our comparison.
### how many updates do you want to perform?
N_updates = 200000
### establish time-step for integration to be 0.02 atomic units... this is about 0.0005 femtoseconds
### so total time is 200000*0.02 atomic units of time which is ~9.6e-13 s, or 960 fs
dt = 0.02
### Now use r_init and v_init and run velocity verlet update N_updates times, plot results
### these arrays will store the time, the position vs time, and the velocity vs time
r_vs_t = np.zeros(N_updates)
v_vs_t = np.zeros(N_updates)
t_array = np.zeros(N_updates)
### harmonic results
hr_vs_t = np.zeros(N_updates)
hv_vs_t = np.zeros(N_updates)
### first entry is the intial position and velocity
r_vs_t[0] = r_init
v_vs_t[0] = v_init
hr_vs_t[0] = r_init
hv_vs_t[0] = v_init
### first Velocity Verlet update
result_array = Velocity_Verlet(r_init, v_init, mu, RHF_Force, dt)
#hresult_array = Velocity_Verlet(r_init, v_init, mu, HF, dt)
### do the update N_update-1 more times
for i in range(1,N_updates):
tmp = Velocity_Verlet(result_array[0], result_array[1], mu, RHF_Force, dt)
result_array = tmp
t_array[i] = dt*i
r_vs_t[i] = result_array[0]
v_vs_t[i] = result_array[1]
#tmp = Velocity_Verlet(hresult_array[0], hresult_array[1], mu, HF, dt)
#hr_vs_t[i] = hresult_array[0]
#hv_vs_t[i] = hresult_array[1]
### Plot the trajectory of bondlength vs time:
#plt.plot(t_array, r_vs_t, 'red', t_array, hr_vs_t, 'blue')
plt.plot(t_array, r_vs_t)
Key Points
The direct output of a molecular dynamics simulation are the positions and velocities/momenta of the atoms being studied.